Improved Networking Through Education Generating Relationships Increases The Yield


The Lessons We Learn...

Last week I went to help my friend Sue Landis ( at her new home in Bonsall.  She recently bought a used tractor to help her with upkeep on her new horse property.  For those of you who remember, I am an engineer and have a practical knowledge of how combustion engines work.  I also have my hobby business, restoring old cars.  Sue reported to me that she suspected rats or mice might have eaten...

Million Dollar Mastermind Testimonial for 2017...

During the next few weeks, many individuals including those within your tribe will likely be thinking about the new year and what changes to make and what endeavors they wish to pursue.  For me, my goals have shifted significantly from what they were just 12 months ago; and the end of year and the holidays just represent a great time for reflection. As such, I suspect many of us would benefit from another Master Mind...

FOR SALE $0.99…SPEND $200...

For those of you who know us well you know that Lynne is a shopper.  What I mean is that she mostly buys when things are on sale rather than paying full retail.  Since 1975 this has been and continues to be a blessing in the Rose household.  It was with great pleasure that when Verizon was offering I-Phones for $0.99 we were encouraged to upgrade. We have been loyal Verizon customers for many years.  Our previous phones...

Do I Have a Referral for You?...

As I sat in the dentist’s ( chair having one of my last metal fillings replaced, Matt told me of his purchase of a home in Oceanside.  After congratulating him on his purchase he told me that it was a total fixer upper.  As he told me this I thought of Mike ( Contractors, Mike McCluskey,(1649 Boulder Creek Rd. Oceanside, CA 92056, License Number:...

Focus, Persistency, and Consistency from FREE to FULL FEE...

What gets me excited is clients who are creating great success.  I love growing businesses and love to see clients expanding beyond our original engagement.  First let me explain my definition of a client, “Once a client, always a client.”  That said, when a client and I continue to communicate as referral partners and friends I still see them as a client.  For example, Sharon has been a client since 2005.  We have...

What Happened to Know, Like, and Trust?...

This happens all the time.  Every time it comes up I get clearer on how to respond to my client. We all understand that people buy from those they know, like, and trust.  Mostly it is up to the sales professional to build a know, like, and trust relationship in the sales process.  Typically this case is made when a prospect is identified by the sales professional when using marketing techniques for discovery.  However,...


I love the concept in today’s work place referred to as the bridge.  It is a metaphor on joining.  The bridge is a joining of knowledge, ideas, and sharing information.  When I received the phone message from Phillip (name changed to protect all) I was excited to hear about Bridge Calls used in his company. The first thing mentioned in his message was how similar the Bridge Call is to Napoleon Hill’s concept of the...


The other morning I was sitting in the hot tub at 24 Hour Fitness with my friend Jim.  He is and has been a very successful business man for over 40 years.  Owning homes from Rancho Santa Fe to Laguna Beach he did well in the auto business, owning German branded dealerships.  My guess is Jim is in his mid to late seventies.  He reminds me of someone you might refer to as an old salt of the earth.  I was to meet with a...

Confidence or Arrogance...

I recently got into a conversation with one of my clients who is an employee of a Fortune 1000 company.  He contacted me because he felt like he was being disrespected by his superiors in the work place.  The markers that he observed were lack of recognition by his bosses for work done well and lower than normal bonuses (100% versus 60%.)  His history is interesting as it applies to this article.  He spent 20 years...

What is in a Title...

I have been blessed.  During my career I have had the privilege to work for West Point graduates, the CEO of Ralston Purina, and a non-profit executive who at the time was earning a seven figure income.  What strikes me as I look back is how their titles have impacted their lives and the lives of others. Some, like me, post their titles as an introduction to who they are.  I am a DTM, Distinguished Toastmaster, using the...

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