Hanging with A’s...
“If you want all A’s you need to study with people who want to get all A’s,” was a quote I heard at a recent speech contest. I have first-hand experience with this quote. During most of my education career I was a mediocre student right through my first years in college. In my sophomore year at Rochester Institute of Technology my high school friend joined me at R.I.T. and became my study partner. He was an A...The Good and Bad Lazy...
I hate the word lazy when used with the idea that you are procrastinating or avoiding work. Let me be clear. If you are procrastinating or avoiding things that need to get done which will deliver the results you have pledged to deliver, then the word lazy can apply. Now lazy can be a good word when applied to those “Lazy, Crazy Days of Summer.” Being lazy for some brings joy and that is why we are entrepreneurs, to...How to Get In Front of Your Pure Target Market Every Day!...
When we say to our target market what they want to hear, you get what you want and they get what they want. A simple phrase with a simple meaning that works. It gives us a better than fifty percent chance of creating a new client every time we put it to work. It is so simple a statement that often the meaning is missed. When we can find ways to camp out where out target markets hang out, well, that borders on the line...Entrepreneurs Tripping Over Their Own Success Refuse to Delegate...
I am passionate about creating success. My vehicle for success is crunching numbers by creating systems to evaluate the numbers. It is the one key element to attracting the right prospects and generating more referrals. Often when I take on a new client I find that some of their key motivators end up getting in their way to creating a successful life and business. To have to choose between a successful business or a...The Old Bait and Switch or NOT!...
Most of us have been confronted with the bait and switch. You go to the car dealer who advertises a low cost deal to find that those vehicles which were advertised were all sold that morning just before you got there. Big box grocery and department stores are notorious for creating limited quantity offers such that when you arrive they are out of stock. Lynne and I wanted a new king sized bed for our new home in Arizona. ...A SHOUT OUT FROM ARIZONA...
You know how it is often said, “It is better in ___________” then fill in the town, city, state, or country you have heard this from. Just spending the last 19 years in SoCal I would love to have a dollar for every time I heard the phrase, “America’s Finest City.” It truly had some wonderful things to offer including fresh fish, wonderful downtown with beautiful scenic ocean scape, and the most temperate climate...THE JOURNEY CONTINUES FOR THE ROSES...
As many of you know Lynne and I are getting ready for the next chapter in our lives starting with a move to Arizona. I like to recognize good service so today I am taking the time to send out kudos for a job well done. In three communities, Tucson, Casa Grande, and Yuma Long Realty has Sherry Ulasien, SherryUlasien@longrealty.com, Kindar Ashford, kashford@longrealty.com, and Elizabeth Carpenter,...Life’s Relationship Journey...
When I was seven my best friend was Larry. I vividly remember playing in the snow all bundled in mittens, scarves, and warm wool coats lined with fur. As a teen my playmates were Eddie and Frank. We were car guys driving and fixing anything we could afford to buy. During the late 1960s I did what most of the kids were doing then with Harry, Rocco, Joe Buck, Billy, and Charlie. After college I, like most of you,...WHY GIVE/WHY RECEIVE?...
I am blessed to have a wonderful wife, Lynne, who allowed me to date her in 1971. For some reason she keeps me around. I am also blessed to have wonderful close friends Sharon Meredith (www.fitnesswithheart.com) and Woody Morrison (http://www.aquaticinspections.com.) Sharon and I have built our relationship starting in 2005. She has shared a lot with me as I have been in her corner as a mentor when she was in real...