Excerpts from “101 Tips for Unlimited Referrals”
1) Give referrals.
It costs you nothing to give a referral. The reward is the “getting.” Getting results for the product or service of the company you referred is one of the greatest pleasures of networking
2) Have a great telephone message that tells about what you do.
The lowest-priced method of advertising is a good telephone message. You will be surprised at the results. People who have called your number for an unrelated reason, such as soliciting you for a sale, will leave their call back number requesting to do business with you.
3) Take speaking engagements for civic and social organizations.
Get involved with a speakers bureau and ask to speak to business organizations such as the local Rotary, Kiwanis, Lion’s Club, Civitan, Optimists, and Chambers of Commerce. They are always looking for speakers.
4) When speaking in public, always end with a marketing piece.
Why speak if you are not going to market your product or service? Be subtle, short and to the point. Make sure you leave them questioning what it is you do, wanting to know more.
5) Don’t be bashful.
Did you come from one of those families that taught “Speak only when spoken to”? Now that you own your own business, it is time to develop the words needed to sell yourself and your company without being too bold or brash.
6) Hang with local celebrities.
Who are the people in town that are always in front of the community? Who are the movers and shakers? Join them where they hang out. They will introduce you to the people they know and your referral floodgates will open.
7) Tell everyone you know about what you do.
Develop a sales force of your current friends and family. Did you hear the one about the real estate professional? He covered both mortgage and home sales. When his aunt and uncle in the next town bought a new home, they gave the deal to someone else. Do you know why? They did not know that their nephew sold real estate or sold mortgages. Don’t let this happen to you.
8) Consider all the avenues for networking.
Do not leave a stone unturned. Where can you network? In the grocery line, in the movie theater, while shopping in the mall. How about when looking for eyeglasses? All are valid places to network what you do.
9) Ask for referrals even when you are told “NO.”
When someone tells you “no” after you try to make the sale, it is so easy to pack your bag and move on to the next appointment. You have just told this person everything they need to know about your business. In saying “no” to you, they are just saying that your product or service does not work for them. Always ask if they know someone else who might be able to use you.
10) Perform on the referrals you get.
Take only referrals you plan to deliver. Decline referrals you will not deliver.
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