Improved Networking Through Education Generating Relationships Increases The Yield


You Too Can Live to 135...

          Many years ago I was listening to the radio when I heard, “People alive today will live to 135.”  I immediately asked myself the question, “Why not me?” I was born in 1950.           Since then I have made changes in my life to allow that optimistic number to have a chance to become reality.  I lost 31 pounds in 2006 and have maintained my weight at 189 since then.  I continue to exercise. ...

Dirty Socks Sucker for Internet Service...

Last year when we moved to Arizona I wrote this article about the exceptional service I received from Comcast, Marana, Arizona.  I would like to report that the good service continues as I went to renew it today.  However, now Comcast has decided to remove the personal care I received from Marana, Arizona local representative James Allen and substitute it with a...

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