Improved Networking Through Education Generating Relationships Increases The Yield


Life’s Relationship Journey...

When I was seven my best friend was Larry.  I vividly remember playing in the snow all bundled in mittens, scarves, and warm wool coats lined with fur.  As a teen my playmates were Eddie and Frank.  We were car guys driving and fixing anything we could afford to buy.  During the late 1960s I did what most of the kids were doing then with Harry, Rocco, Joe Buck, Billy, and Charlie.  After college I, like most of you,...

Doug Luffbrough Project Speaker, Consultant...

Goal: How can we create a local business where Doug can speak, never having to travel more than a day from San Diego. This will include an: on line business book sales hand held hard/soft bound tape series DVD/CD/pod cast paid/free webinars e-books (note e-book sales strategy below) in house speaking business consulting/training seminars (Doug’s Compass) Doug’s story Corporate training for company leaders,...

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