Improved Networking Through Education Generating Relationships Increases The Yield


Bret Smith, The Moving Strong Studio...

INTEGRITY will provide: 4 + 2 Marketing Advertising and Promotion Strategy to include: Four things that you will do every 30 days Two things that you will do every 6 months Work on your marketing/sales presentation (delivery, content, and value proposition) Full Benchmarking System which will: deliver an AM and PM question which will hold you accountable teach you how to do things with intention deliver outcomes when...

Jamie McIntyre and John Buell Meeting June 11, 2015...

SCORE offer different levels of CEO group/forums for smaller sized companies. (for businesses less than $2 M and 15 employees) Connect with like-minded people who care about their own, and your success. Engage in a structured peer-to-peer business discussions with trained facilitators. Solve strategic business issues and problems. Set strategic goals and methods for implementing...

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5107 W. Wild Burro Spring Drive, Marana, AZ 85658.