Are CEOs Good Referrals for You?...
Dear CEO Prospector, I am midway through my second Million Dollar Master Mind Group (M$MMG 2.0.) I am so excited about the two groups and what we have accomplished that I am launching a third Million Dollar Master Mind Group (M$MMG 3.0.) I am going to run this group simultaneously with M$MMG 2.0 with a slightly different twist*. This is born out of the desire for small business owners, who are in constant search for new...Open Only If a CEO is a Good Referral for You...
Dear CEO Prospector, I am midway through my second Million Dollar Master Mind Group (M$MMG 2.0.) I am so excited about the two groups and what we have accomplished that I am launching a third Million Dollar Master Mind Group (M$MMG 3.0.) I am going to run this group simultaneously with M$MMG 2.0 with a slightly different twist*. This is born out of the desire for small business owners, who are in constant search for new...Bait and Switch in Our Own Backyards...
Lynne and I were out to dinner last evening with a coupon for a local seafood restaurant. The coupon offer was to purchase two drinks with two dinners. Purchasing the drinks and dinners allowed you to receive up to $25 off on the second dinner. We asked our waiter, “Does this include the early bird specials?” His answer was, “yes.” At the next table to us was an older couple (maybe in their...