Improved Networking Through Education Generating Relationships Increases The Yield


KONIG MOTORSPORT Outline for Business Plan Components...

  AUTOMOTIVE COMPONENT OUTLINE TO CREATE PROFIT AND LOSS EXPECTATIONS/BUDGET KONIG   Operation Procedures Company officers CEO CTO CFO Formation of entity Entity by-laws Type of entity LLC C Corp S Corp Partnership Sole proprietor Key man insurance Heirs Parents Spouse Children Physical Plant Janitorial HVAC shop tools job descriptions Owner Office manger Shop manager Technicians Tech specialist Tech...

Business Owners Only, Please. Social Media Junkies Keep Out!...

If you are a social media junkie I would stop here and go post something on your Facebook Wall.  If you believe that because you are in business you need to be on Facebook, using Twitter, or have the correct profile on LinkedIn then you can invest your time doing something else rather than read this. My Cyber Stalker struck again.  For those of you who are regular followers of my articles you might remember that a few...

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