Interpersonal Relationship Skills Management Case Study...
I was recently referred a case that I thought would interest you. A Business Attorney from Irvine was asked by the CEO of a company in Commerce to deal with a key employee’s need for anger management and interpersonal relationship skills management. To make matters worse, the key employee is also a part owner of the company. I was asked to deal with the interpersonal relationship skills management. I needed to...Credibility When Setting Appointments...
First impressions can last a lifetime. Continuing that first impression, if done correctly, should continue through eternity. When it comes to being successful, consistency can make or break a business. Consistently bad service (substitute any descriptor here with the word bad or poor) can cause a business to shut down. Consistently good service (substitute any descriptor here with the word good or best) will cause a...Character Analysis, Modification, Adjustment, Alteration, and Secure by INTEGRITY...
Gerry Rose runs INTEGRITY Networking Solutions in Oceanside, CA. He works with people in business who want to attract the right prospects and generate more referrals. More than 10,000 businesses have been presented the INTEGRITY Networking Solutions system in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Diego Counties. CONSULTING SERVICE Why do people choose INTEGRITY? We help you increase your...