Improved Networking Through Education Generating Relationships Increases The Yield


LinkedIn Referral Groups...

LinkedIn referral group is a full on networking like a referral group using Purposeful Networking© with LinkedIn Connections.  Four people are joined in an area with Internet access.  Each participant brings a lap top with their LinkedIn Connections, a profile of their perfect client, and the willingness to share their LinkedIn Connections.  Each participant will collect nine new business prospects and/or referral...

Social Media – Update Your LinkedIn Profile...

“If you are in business you need to do social media.  Get on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.”  I am so sick of those words I am about ready to lose my breakfast. If you choose to “do social media,” do so with a plan.  Evaluate the time you invest on the deliverable results. The first thing to do is to anticipate results.  I went to my friends and business associates who were already using social media.  I asked...

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