Are You Credible When Setting Your Appointments?...
I recently joined a networking group. This group is made up of top notch, high net worth individuals. Member businesses range from accountant, attorney, banker, financial services representative, business consulting service, human resource manager, insurance broker, investment management adviser, and real estate professional. I have noticed a trend now that I have been involved for more than a year. After each meeting...The Words We Select with YouTube Link...
Video Offering: There is a need to be careful with the words we select. As I re-read what I just wrote, I am impressed by how deep and at the same time shallow those words can be received. I will let you judge how deep or shallow they are. This goes beyond the old saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Words can hurt us in...The Words We Receive with YouTube Link...
Video offer: I asked a business associate, “How can I help you?” He told me that he needed a distribution network for his existing product and some new items he was adding to his offerings. That same day I had breakfast with a lady who works in the area of advertising specialties (logos on coffee cups, knives with a message, letter openers, etc.) I mentioned my...