Improved Networking Through Education Generating Relationships Increases The Yield


Finding an Active Referral Group...

When it comes to active referral groups, there are all kinds.  Active can include service to the community.  It can include certain activities the referral group causes.  A cinema society refers movies to its members and the general public.  Lions Club International is an active service group that is known as the Knights of the Blind.  Their cause is referring sight conservation to the community.  For the purpose of...

Managing 300 New Connections in 2012 Using Purposeful Networking©...

A way to meet only the people you want to meet to get business sooner than later!   Meeting 300 new people in 12 months can sound daunting.  First, how do you do it?  Second, how do you manage it? To answer the first question, it is important to read and understand the articles by reading/linking to them in the order below: 1st Purposeful Networking© Using Social Media...

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