The Dialog for Purposeful Networking© by Email...
A way to meet only the people you want to meet to get business sooner than later! Today is the first day for you to initiate Purposeful Networking© by using email. Here is a guide to get you started with email dialog that will get you positive results. This assumes that you have already become clear on how to get agreement from 25 Advocates as discussed in the Purposeful Networking© by using the telephone. Create an...The Dialog for Purposeful Networking© by Telephone...
A way to meet only the people you want to meet to get business sooner than later! Below are the action steps to start the process for Purposeful Networking© by using the telephone. First, select 25 Advocates. An Advocate by definition is, “Someone that brings the world to you.” The Advocate can be an existing referral partner or someone you want to be a referral partner. We will be creating a win/win environment...Purposeful Networking© Using Social Media...
A way to meet only the people you want to meet to get business sooner than later! Since 1985 I have been working on my networking skills. In those early days I was mainly doing it for the social aspect of my life. I was involved with Lions Club International and the Lewis County Chamber of Commerce. During those times “social media” was done by someone picking up the telephone (that was connected by a cord to the...• Tip on— “How you make your office functional for you.”...
Creating a separate space is important to be able to function and focus in my home based business. For some who are working from a kitchen/dining room table or bedroom that is used for sleeping, you will have trouble creating a “sanctified space for work only.” My answer, at the end of the day and beginning of the day, put IT away. For me, I close the doors to my computer work station and close the door to my...• Tip on Education —“Getting Free Information”...
To get educated and give back to your community volunteer for a non-profit organization. The only cost you will incur is your time. Early in my career I did a lot of work for non-profits. It gave me life experiences that would have come to me much later in life. I now use those experiences and am able to build on those. Non-profits mostly have less money to invest in personnel than the private sector for profit...• Tip on balancing family / business...
The simplest way to balance family and business is to be clear on the difference so that you schedule high value activities for each. My work day is 7:30 AM to 5:00. After 5:00 PM is “Family Time.” Saturday and Sunday is “Family Time,” which includes high value activities for dinners, long walks, special events, exercise, and calm. Gerry Rose runs INTEGRITY Networking Solutions in Oceanside, CA. He works...• Tip on relationships in business/career...
The rules for relationships in business and your career are the same as in any other place in life. The most simply put are the rules that Dale Carnegie listed in 1936. They include the six ways of making people like you, the twelve ways of winning people to your way of thinking, and the nine ways to change people without giving or arousing resentment. For the details, pick-up a copy of his book How to Win Friends and...Turning Passion into Action!...
Being Able to Jump Out of Bed Every Day Knowing You Never Ever Have to Work Again! To many of you it sounds like a dream that will never come true. Jumping out of bed every day knowing that you will never ever have to work again for many is a reality. When you can turn passion into action that dream is reality! Let me tell you about Nick, whom I met last evening. A young man, at age 13, lost a leg to meningitis. After...2011 Delivered From Heaven...
Year end review of 2011 and what to expect in 2012! What a year! It started in late 2010. I received a call from my dad saying that he wanted to live in California. The good news is we had nearly four months with him. I learned a lot of things about my family that I had never known before. After four months, he moved back to the east coast, where he passed in August at age 90. While he was here we celebrated his...