Improved Networking Through Education Generating Relationships Increases The Yield


How to Get Presentation Opportunities Using Scripts...

This procedure I call, The Question and Favor Script.  The principal behind this concept is that everyone we know wants to help (yes, they do!)  The scripts below will allow your ‘knowns’ (those people who know, like, or love you) to make connections for you. To get in front of a general population use the followingscript: Hi this is your name.  (If necessary, explain how you know each other.  Spend 30 to 60 seconds...

Business: Giving Thanks /Taken for Granted/ Showing Appreciation / Testimonials...

As we approach the Thanksgiving Holiday in 2011, we can all think of what we have to be thankful for this holiday season. While many of us are enjoying the fruits of our labors some might say that the land of opportunity is fading.  Some might go so far as to say that opportunities are so far gone that they can no longer see them in their rear view mirrors.  With all of that we are still enjoying living in the best place on...

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