Improved Networking Through Education Generating Relationships Increases The Yield


The Story Behind the INTEGRITY Logo...

Our logo, the Hummingbird and the Red Rose, with the stem making the ‘I’ in INTEGRITY with the words ‘Improved Networking Through Education Generating Relationships Increases The Yield’ below, came to be as follows: The Hummingbird represents every successful entrepreneur.  As the hummingbird flies from flower to flower to get fed, so must the successful entrepreneur.  The Red Rose represents the red or right...

You Thought You Had the Deal – What Happened?...

Mistakes we make when selling. The number one mistake I see made when being sold to is when the sales person has received a buying signal from the prospect, and the sales person continues to sell.  What happens is that when the sales person hears the buying signal they do not agree with the buyer’s decision to buy.  The sales person believes that what they think is the best product for their prospect is what they should...

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Ph: 760-439-4623| mail:
5107 W. Wild Burro Spring Drive, Marana, AZ 85658.