How the Law of Attraction Worked for Me...
As many of you know, I have been training to run the Boston Marathon. My goal is to qualify on or before my 60th birthday. I will turn 60 in March of 2010. To run in the Boston Marathon, you must qualify. This is different than most marathons. The only requirement to run in the marathons I know of is to pay the entry fee and file the application, except Boston. As part of the training, I have been running...Jessie, George, and Winston...
This past Saturday I met Jessie, George, and Winston. Let me share the stories they told me and how it applies to our network. Jessie is 22 years old. He is an old and mature 22 years old. A young man by day who works as a barber. When away from the chair, he ministers to his minions. I am told he is a wonderful minister. Married, he and his sweet wife make beautiful music. As I heard them preach and sing to...The Science of Referring and the Advocate Strategy...
This morning I was having coffee with one of my Advocates. We were talking about how we can better refer business to each other. I was very surprised with how the conversation evolved. It seems that this Advocate has been very good at giving to his affinity partners. They have not been as good in returning his giving. When I questioned if there had been an exchange of conversation where the question could be asked,...The Law of Attraction as Taught on Rosh Hashanah...
I was recently reminded of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne as I was reading the biblical readings from Rosh Hashanah. Genesis 22:1-24 is the story of Abraham and his son Isaac. To summarize the story, Abraham is told by the Lord to take his only son Isaac “into the land of Moriah” to offer Isaac as a “burnt-offering.” As Abraham tells Isaac to wait with the supplies for the “burnt-offering,” Isaac asks, “…but...COMPARISONS-Are They a Trap OR an Inspiration for Increased Success?...
We are often told to avoid comparison. It is even commanded in the Ten Commandments, “Thou shalt not covet…” I agree, we should avoid being trapped by comparing ourselves to others; however, I believe comparison can be healthy if we learn to surround those comparisons with questions. I have had many mentors through the years. They have come in all shapes and sizes. Some have been the bosses when I worked in...Why Don’t More People Give Referrals Freely?...
Considering that networking is one of the things INTEGRITY Networking Solutions is known, for I am often left to ponder why it is that more people do not spend more time giving referrals freely. Most of the people we surround ourselves with are familiar with the concept of “giving to receive to give again” yet they still avoid the process of giving the referral. A realtor came to me recently asking, “Why is it that my...New Electronic World Order...
As most of you know I am in the business of working with people who want to create more business. Creating more business can also mean creating a better life. Creating a better life often means spending more time with family and friends building, strong relationships. I have recently been intrigued by the electronic experience. I am a computer, cell phone, and PDA user out of need. I have a love/hate relationship. ...Why Things Go Better with Coke...
Recently I was reviewing some marketing strategies of successful entrepreneurs. I started thinking about how some of the great companies on our planet got their start marketing. I thought it was time for me to do some research. My favorite soft drink is Coca-Cola. These bullets below are condensed from the first seven paragraphs from a Google Search. In summary, here is what the article said in the order of events: In...You Can’t Have IT Both Ways...
I just came from a meeting with an associate. Talk about confused. Here is a business owner that says he and his partner want to be the business of training, yet do not want to be in the business of training. If this confuses you, let me explain. Being in the business means that you do many if not all aspects of the business. If you own a plumbing business, you would do much of the actual plumbing. You can still...