Improved Networking Through Education Generating Relationships Increases The Yield


SEO AND AdWords...

There has been a lot of conversation lately about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and AdWords (Google’s flagship advertising product.)  I thought it was time for me to chime in on these important business topics. I want to share my understanding of how they relate to attracting the right prospects and generating more referrals.  It is also important to reflect on how they relate to your bottom line. Both will allow...

Selecting a Coach...

I recently had a conversation with a colleague regarding some coaching he was receiving.  He was asked to list the top five things that I’m grateful/thankful for about myself and the top five things I’m less than thrilled with.  I thought it odd that someone who is coaching another would ask their client to focus on the negative (five things I’m less than thrilled with.)  Then I realized why a coach might...

Do You Network to Get More Business?...

I received this email recently:  “My apologies for a late notice, I will not be able to attend the meeting tomorrow; a potential client gave me meeting time for 8:30 am tomorrow in San Diego, I took it, I’ve been waiting quite a while for a ‘yes’ from him. I don’t like to bow out at the last minute, I hope you understand.” The facts are as follows: The meeting tomorrow was scheduled 30 days in advance. The...

Are You Credible When Setting Your Appointments?...

I recently joined a networking group.  This group is made up of top notch, high net worth individuals.  Member businesses range from accountant, attorney, banker, financial services representative, business consulting service, human resource manager, insurance broker, investment management adviser, or real estate professional. I have noticed a trend now being involved for more than a year.  After each meeting it is usual...

What is Enough?...

Recently, I sat with a client experiencing a dilemma.  A senior in years, a teenager in mind, his dilemma is “How to define the remainder of his life?”  Will he define the remainder of his life by his relationships, spiritual well being, creating more income, community involvement, other life growth issues, and fulfillment?  His answer to the dilemma is to focus on his business and increase his wealth.  The question...

Presentations and Marketing Your Business...

Deciding to develop a business in sales poses a unique dilemma. How to attract clients to your door?  Passive advertising like print, Internet websites, and signs are always good.  Cold calling by telephone and lists of qualified candidates can yield results if you are diligent.  There is always the network.  You can interact with friends, family, and strangers.  One area often overlooked is public speaking and public...

Getting Help in Your Business...

“Nothing great happens alone.”  Powerful statement.  I believe that until an entrepreneur fully understands, embodies, and owns this concept the chance of true success is limited.  I have witnessed more people attempt to travel the business journey by themselves to only fail.  However, those who succeed the quickest embrace support from others. Frequently a trusted advisor can be as close as a business partner.  The...

How to Get the Attention You Deserve for Your Passion...

So, you are attempting to spread your wings.  Maybe you have recently left Corporate America.  Maybe you are a mother who is now rejoining the work force. Are you interested in taking your business to the next level?  Is this business your passion?  Do you love what you do?  Would you like to take a stand on a community issue?  Is there an organization, service group, or business that you have an interest in?  Do you...

Business Sooner than Later...

Why is it that we hang on to old ideas expecting different results?  You know the one.  I know Jane and Jane knows me…we have coffee or breakfast once a week or once a month…after a period of time she will send business to me and I will eventually send business to her.  We hear from all the networking organizations, “Build relationships overtime.  Eventually someone will do business with you or they will send you...

How to Build Your Business for 2010...

As we approach 2010 many business owners I speak with are still concerned about the down turn of the economy.  Most believe that the long term effects will last into 2011 or beyond. Tips for building your business in 2010 include: Be clear on who is your target market Identify two results that you deliver to your target market Articulate your offer by the results you offer rather than what you do.  It is true that all...

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