Why Chambers of Commerce Need to Manage Community Business Business...
Many of us are accustom to sharing business responsibility in our communities. Often besides a chamber of commerce, there are downtown business associations and/or economic development associations. When these organizations vie for the same manpower and dollars, frequently messages are diluted when communicating with the public. More often than not conflicts occur to the point of limited positive result for any and all...Who Is Running Your Business?...
How many times have you heard, ‘I couldn’t make the meeting. My customer needed me.’ On the other hand, one of my favorites is, ‘I jump through hoops for my clients.’ This article is special, as it addresses the entrepreneur: those of us in business who have chosen to leave Corporate America behind for the good life. What is the good life? Many describe the good life as having more flexibility,...Where Your Referrals Come From and How to Evaluate Their Success...
You’ve established your business, and you’ve been growing it for a few years. You’re out there meeting people, making contacts, sending clients to your network. Referrals are coming, but you know you need more. Is it fair to assume more should be coming your way? Are you receiving any from referrals you’ve given? Any third-party referrals? What is the quality of the referrals you receive? Let us first...How to Decide Where and Who to Network?...
How do we decide where and who to network? What must we consider before networking? Who is your target market? Where will you meet them? Is your product or service truly for everyone? Is it better to market your product to specific groups? Is it best, even if everyone can use your product or service to reduce your marketing effort to only a targeted few? Are general networking groups like LeTip, BNI, or Ali Lassen’s...What Is Free When Networking Your Business at the Chamber?...
As we look at our company’s products and/or services, one of our main goals is to create win/win. Seeing our clients enjoying the fruits of our service is a sign of our success. A customer who benefits from our product is satisfied, as are we. Strategic Alliances benefit when they receive a great referral. We give that referral freely, with no anticipation of a return, again creating win/win. Many business owners look...Volunteering in Our Community...
One of the best ways of networking is volunteering for a chamber of commerce committee, a non-profit organization, or a networking group. By volunteering we network to grow our businesses. Volunteering also exposes us and our businesses to many potential new clients. Through our involvement in the community, we also expose ourselves to people who may very well turn into strategic alliances who will help us develop...A Six-Step Exercise For Better Networking...
Often I find professionals using a ‘shotgun’ approach to networking for business prospects. They attempt to hit all their targets rather than get a single referral from a handful of members in their group meeting. If you want to get new clients then focus on important targets, being specific as to exactly who you want to help. My favorite example is a chiropractor who says, “Anyone with a back or spine is a...“Network Etiquette and How Etiquette Affects Business Referrals”...
So, you have decided to grow your business. You want to take the business to the next level. You have heard that word of mouth advertising is the quickest, least expensive, most effective way to advertise your business. But, you ask yourself, ‘How do I get started? Where do I go to network? How do I get all that I can from organizations I join? How do I get involved with my new networking organization, maximize my...How to Write and Deliver a Powerful 30 to 60 Second Commercial! (With Video Link!)...
There are five parts to a powerful 60-second commercial. They include your name, the name of your company, the grabber, the body of the commercial, and the close. (See this link for example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbLJbV2doGE.) Start with your name and company name. Depending on which you think is the most important to remember, start with the least important first. That is to say, if you want them to remember your...