Business Education...
Coaches, consultants, mentors, tax attorneys, bookkeepers, financial planners, and business school instructors are all business educators. How might they help and support you in your business? How can they help you grow? How about maintaining your business? How do they interact as part of your team? Frequently, we go out into the world and say ‘Hello world. Here I am!’ We are proud to be on our own. We are here to...Simple Tips for Bringing More Business to Your Door...
Below are seven simple tips to bring more business to your door. Be clear on what you say to attract prospects. Stay in contact with your referral resources. Hangout where your target market hangs out. Develop value-added resources (speaking, articles, and books.) Put a proactive approach onto passive marketing tools. Find a public way to promote your business (shows, expos.) Develop a support system to track your...More Scripts and Things to Do to Get Your WANT...
So, you now might ask ‘How do I become clear on my WANT?’ First start with the people who already know and love you. They are a natural reflection of yourself. You have chosen these folks because they are what you see through your window of observation saying, ‘That is who I’d like to be.’ Mostly we choose friends because we like being with them. They are fun to hang out with. Take a good look at...Developing Strategic Alliances in Like Industries...
When we look for referrals, most often we look from without rather than from within: We cold-call outside our industry partners. The fact that it is easier for many of us to talk to a stranger usually stems from a lack of confidence in our presentation. We also may be embarrassed to ask people who already know and love us for a referral or a new prospect, because we feel we should be able to forge our own success. I say that...Which Communications Should I Return?...
In this day and age of computers, faxes, and voice mail we are led to believe that life is easier in the year 2003. For many of us, that is not true. Now that electronic messaging has arrived more people can contact us, requiring a greater need on our part to discern with whom to connect and when. Many of us use the fast-paced world as an excuse for not returning messages. We have not embraced the priorities of effective...I Have Arrived OR Have I?...
So you have arrived, OR have you? Have you ever had the good fortune of watching someone you love or admire realize his or her dream? I am not talking about those things that are easily attained. Buying a house, a dream car, going to college, or the vacation trip of a lifetime are wonderful experiences. But I am talking about big dreams. A journalist who had a passion for writing in high school who becomes a nationally...How Can Public Speaking Impact My Networking Success?...
So you think because you are a good schmoozer you will be a networking dynamo. Think again. ‘But Gerry,’ you say, ‘I get along well with people. I have lots of friends, and I’m always the life of the party.’ Or are you a wallflower, the one who stands in a corner by yourself? Now that you own your own business, will you try to generate business through passive advertising? Will you spend your...Collaboration or Competition, which ‘C’ BU?...
Abundance or scarcity is the choices we have when considering how to run our businesses. How do you choose between a collaborative and a competitive business model? Do we have a choice? By choosing one or the other, will the other limit or increase your chance for success? Let’s examine the choices. The word competition, to most, increases stress. Let’s face it, there are good stresses and then there are those...Networking Show and Tell Displays...
Talk about your lead generating opportunities, a business exposition with 500 booths, 100,000 spectators. An offering like this does not come along every day. Registration is only $240. Very economical way to meet my target market. However, wait! What do I do to be successful? How do I maximize my time to meet the best-qualified prospects? What do I need to do to make an offer that gets me in their door now, turning those...